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    Huawei,Claro Brazil   2017-06-26
    Recently, Claro Brazil launched the commercial 4.5G (4x4 MIMO+ Massive CA+256QAM) network in Brasilia in partnership with Huawei. The 4.5G network is the first network intended for commercial use in Brazil, and is expected to be the largest in the Latin
    Chilean communications regulator Subtel has signed an agreement with Huawei to explore the viability of installing a direct underwater fibre-optic Cable link between Chile and China. The technical feasibility agreement was signed by Chile’s und
    Huawei has released its new Small Cell development strategy for 2017, aiming to accelerate the development of the indoor mobile broadband (MBB) market and help telecom operators seize new business opportunities by enabling Gbps-level user experiences, ac
    Nokia is leveraging its business modeling and 5G Acceleration Services capabilities to remove the guesswork from operators' 5G network evolution plans. New Nokia studies have revealed the benefits of deploying 5G and identify those services with th
    Elisa, a leading telecommunication, information communication technology (ICT) and online service company in Finland, successfully completed a field trial of Nokia's XGS-PON technology, achieving the country's fastest broadband speeds. With 1
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